Onfile Business Information

Enhance your ability to assess business risk by using comprehensive information on your debtors

Make better business decisions with access to greater insights

Your ability to make the right decisions when evaluating business credit is only as good as the data behind those decisions. Insight into the past performance of a business enables you to make better-informed decisions about its potential future risk.

When it comes to acquiring business customers, TransUnion’s onfile solution gives you access to the detailed information you need, in one place. Comprehensive reports help you quickly identify the businesses you want to work with, and the ones you’re probably better off avoiding.

TransUnion’s solutions help you understand the risk and profile of both the business and its principals. We offer several standard formats, including an onfile solution with historical data that’s packaged according to your specific requirements. We can also customise the information you need into a standard report you can use for low-risk assessments, or a comprehensive report for high-risk assessments.


Customise the information you need; choose individual modules or group them together to compile your own reports

Business Information

Includes the identification and registration details, contact details and principal information relating to a business.

Finance and Operations

Verify information on a business and its principals. (Available in selected markets.)

Banking Information

Provides the most recently verified bank account for the business in question. (Available in selected markets)

Credit Information

Includes information imperative to establishing a subject’s risk and potential exposure to credit, such as past and current payment behaviour, enquiry history and adverse information.

Principal Information

Includes details on a principal’s links to other businesses, previous enquiries, and any adverse information.


Obtain a comprehensive view of information relating to a business and its principals

Assess a business’s creditworthiness and ability to honor a credit agreement

Use up-to-date contact information to manage relationships

Reduce time and costs spent on researching companies

Stay up to date with changes and developments in a company

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