Rwanda Privacy Centre

May, 2024

Version 2.1


This privacy notice provides a high-level overview of how we use and share personal data across TransUnion. You can find more detailed information at the TransUnion Privacy Center or in other privacy information you may have received.

In Brief

TransUnion strives to protect privacy as we collect, use, process, disclose, transfer and retain personal data.

If your personal data is used unlawfully or infringes on your privacy, you have the right to object.

This notice covers the following topics:

  1. Who we are and how to contact us
  2. How we use personal data
  3. Where we get personal data
  4. How long we keep personal data
  5. Our legal basis for handling personal data
  6. Who we share personal data with
  7. Where we store and send personal data
  8. Your rights concerning your personal data
  9. Where to lodge a complaint

Information for Good®

We're in an era of rapid digital transformation where consumers demand more access to seamless, personalised products and services online. But the currency of personal data that fuels this platform economic boom poses threats to individuals and endangers corporate security.

Now more than ever — and likely more so in the future — consumers and corporates need new levels of trust and transparency.

As a global information and insights company, TransUnion seeks to make trust possible. We do this by curating an accurate and comprehensive picture of each consumer so they're safely and reliably represented in the marketplace. This enables businesses and consumers to transact with confidence and achieve great things. We call this Information for Good.

We're a group of companies with registered offices at TransUnion, Plot 6 Junction of KN 67 & KN 30 3rd Floor BPR House-PCD Tower.  Although we're part of a larger group, this notice covers only the activities of TransUnion companies within the Republic of Rwanda.


Contact details

Contact us about personal data issues, including the contents of this notice via:

  • Post: P.O Box 5733 Kigali
  • Telephone:   +250 7889 33094

How we use personal data

TransUnion limits the use and disclosure of personal data to the terms of the following legislation:

  • Law Nº 73/2018 of 31/08/2018 Governing Credit Reporting System;
  • Regulation N° 27/2019 of 09/09/2019 Relating to Credit Reporting;
  • Law n°058/2021 of 13/10/2021 relating to the protection of personal data and privacy; and
  • any other applicable laws.

Products and services

Many of our products and services rely on personal data. For example:

Credit reporting: TransUnion compiles consumer credit information in credit reports from applications to (for example) credit providers or services providers for credit or services.

Credit services:  We may provide your information to organisations you deal with directly, such as credit risk assessors.

Example: credit risk assessment

If you apply for credit from one of our clients, they send us your data so we can find you in our databases and reply with information about your credit history. They use that information to assess your creditworthiness.

Fraud detection services: We may provide personal information to organisations other than those you deal with directly.

Example: fraud alerts

If we receive numerous identity verification checks against an individual in a short space of time, this could indicate someone is attempting identity theft or another form of fraud. In this case, we provide real-time fraud alerts to clients subscribed to that service.

If you have provided your details to an organisation to confirm your identity, we may retain those details and link them to other details we hold about you. Then, if a fraudster tries to use your details to apply for credit with a different organisation, we can raise a potential fraud alert.

Development and testing

We sometimes use personal information to improve, develop, monitor, maintain and test our products, systems and security measures. Where possible, we create pseudonyms or make the data anonymous beforehand.

If you consent, TransUnion will at times access, use, process and analyse your personal data, your consumer credit information, and marketing data to provide personalised offers from TransUnion and our trusted partners.

Digital marketing: To provide relevant products and services to consumers, we enable business partners to use our data and technology to create, deploy and measure targeted digital advertising programs.

Advertising: We may use domestic or overseas third-party advertising companies to serve ads on TransUnion Site or on other sites which we use for advertising. We may also use third-party analytical tools to personalise advertisements and enhance the visitor experience.

Market research: Participation in market research activities is optional. When you opt-in, we use your information to improve the experience of our products

Business products: We may use personal data to promote and market relevant products, services and special offers from us and our affiliates.

Customer service: We may use personal data to identify customers, process transactions and provide quality service.

Recruitment: We use personal data when we receive an employment application.

Business operations

We may use personal data for our internal operations, such as:

Names, contact details, biometric and other information from consumers who visit our offices and contact us to deal with their enquiries. See our Customer Service Privacy Notice for more.

Employee information (including employment and educational history, background checks, biometric and performance appraisals) to manage our relationship.

CCTV cameras in public areas of our business premises for the safety of staff and visitors, and the security of our information and assets.

Legal and regulatory purposes, such as responding to complaints or enquiries about how we have used personal data.

In addition, we may aggregate anonymised data to provide performance analytics to business partners.

For more details on the kinds of data used for each purpose described, visit the TransUnion Privacy Center

For more on our use of cookies, see our Cookie Policy.

The kinds of personal information we use and where we get it

Information in your credit report includes:

  • Identifying information, such as first name, surname, ID number, physical and postal address, contact numbers, marital status, spouse details, and current employer and occupation
  • An account history or payment profile is a record of all your accounts with credit or service providers and a history of how you pay these accounts
  • Enquiries include a list of credit or service providers allowed by you or permitted in terms of the Law Governing Credit Reporting System to receive your credit report
  • Public records include publicly available information as permitted by law, such as judgments, administration orders, sequestrations and rehabilitation
  • Default data is a record of any failure to pay money owed
  • Other includes any information permitted under the Law Governing Credit Reporting System.

Information not included in your credit report:

  • Race, creed, colour, ancestry, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or political affiliations
  • Medical history or status
  • Major purchases paid in full with cash or cheques

Sources for information
We may collect your personal information, or obtain information originating from the following sources:

  • Financial Institutions: banks, micro finance institutions
  • Insurance Companies
  • Telecommunication companies
  • Public Service utilities
  • Any trader or any other company providing deferred payment services
  • Other organisations as may be approved by the National Bank of Rwanda.

The information we need
To verify information, credit providers need to include:

  • Your full name and surname
  • Your Rwanda identity number (where applicable) or your passport number and date of birth. Without this information, they can't lawfully grant credit.

Any further information requested by credit providers must be necessary and relevant to your application. No law forces you to give information, but a credit provider can't consider your credit application if you don't provide the information required.

We get personal data directly from our business partners, suppliers, clients, site visitors, and product and services customers signing up for any of our products or services.

When visitors use any products or functions in a TransUnion Site, we collect general internet data (including internet protocol ("IP") address, metadata, location data, date and time of the visit) and behavioural data, such as searches transactions and purchases.

How long we keep personal data

Simply put, we keep personal data for as long as necessary. More technically, we retain it to fulfil the purpose(s) of its provision, to comply with applicable laws, and for as long as your consent to such purpose(s) remains valid after termination of our relationship.

The Law Governing Credit Reporting System require we use credit information only for the provided maximum periods prescribed for credit scoring or credit assessment.

We keep specific data indefinitely to verify the integrity of the information we may need to process in the future. We store this information securely and don't use it for any other purpose.

Our legal basis for handling personal data

Legitimate interests
The Law relating to the protection of personal data and privacy allows personal data usage where necessary for legitimate purposes without undue adverse impact. We base most of our processing activities on the 'legitimate interests' condition. For more details, refer to the relevant privacy notices in the links above.



Promoting responsible lending and helping prevent over-indebtedness.

Helping lenders only sell products that are affordable and suitable to the borrowers' circumstances.

Verifying identity, detecting and preventing crime and fraud

Assisting clients to meet business imperatives, and legal, compliance and regulatory requirements and obligations

Credit bureau functioning

Supporting the Law Governing Credit Reporting System by promoting transparency and fairness in the access to credit, responsible borrowing, and protecting consumers against reckless credit granting.


In most instances, consumer consent to use personal information comes to TransUnion via our clients and data suppliers.

You need to agree on who can use your personal information and how. To do this, persons who have your information must notify you they have your data and how they plan to use it.

We strive to ensure our clients and data suppliers honour their contractual obligation to get all legally required consents before accessing personal information in our credit reports.

If you sign up for one of our online services, we need to use personal data to provide the services as set out in the Terms & Conditions. We also use this basis for processing some of our staff data. Refer to the privacy notice on the relevant website for details.

We only access, use and disclose personal data without consent in exceptional circumstances where necessary to:

  • Comply with the law or a legal process served on us
  • Comply with requests for information from police or government authorities
  • Protect and defend our rights or property (including the enforcement of agreements)
  • Protect the public interest
  • Act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of our employees or members of the public

We apply the above in terms of the The Law Governing Credit Reporting System, The Law relating to the protection of personal data and privacy and other relevant national legislation.



Our clients have privacy notices that provide more information about how they use the data we supply. These clients typically operate in the following sectors:

  • Banks, Microfinance institutions and SACCOs
  • TradersInsurance
  • Retail
  • Telecommunications
  • Collections
  • Employment agencies
  • Financial services
  • Public sector
  • Startup

If our clients appoint an intermediary to act on their behalf, they too will receive the data.

Service providers

Our clients and we might provide information to third parties that help us achieve the purposes described in section 2. For example:

  • Cloud-based services, such as Salesforce, help host, manage and analyse our databases.
  • Cloud-based technologies, such as Microsoft Office 365, support our ordinary business operations.
  • Printing companies to produce and send direct mail or other correspondence.
  • Payment service providers to help with payments made by individuals.
  • Market research companies to help us better understand our customers.
  • A specialist sub-contractor operates our CCTV system.
  • Services Providers that assists us with providing our services to you.
  • Regulators like the National Cyber Security Authority or the National Bank of Rwanda.

These service providers can't use your information for their purposes or on behalf of other organisations unless you agree otherwise.

Where we store and send personal data

We sometimes make use of Service Providers that are situated outside of Rwanda, e.g. Kenya, South Africa, UK and US.  We access and use your information from our base in Rwanda and will not transfer personal data to a country lacking laws that provide an adequate level of information protection, unless we have an agreement with the recipient requiring measures that offer a similar level of protection as The Law relating to the protection of personal data and privacy in Rwanda and with the required permission from the relevant supervisory authority.

Your rights concerning personal data

We outline your rights regarding the personal data we hold about you below.

Access: You can access all information that we hold about you by contacting us through

Correction/Destruction/Deletion: If the information we hold about you is inaccurate, irrelevant, excessive, out of date, incomplete, misleading or obtained lawfully, you have a right to ask us to correct it or delete it.

Objection to processing: You may object (on reasonable grounds) to processing your personal data unless legislation provides for such processing.

Objection to direct marketing: You may object to us using your personal data for direct marketing, and if you do, we will stop.

Where to lodge a complaint

We strive to deliver the highest levels of customer service. However, if you’re ever unhappy with us, please contact us so we can investigate.

  • Location: 3rd Floor of Alliance Tower, BPR Building, Plot No 6 Junction of KN 67 & KN  30,Nyarugenge District, Kigali – Rwanda
  • Postal Address: 5733 Kigali- Rwanda
  • Telephone: +250 7889 33094
  • Email:

You may complain to the Data Protection and Privacy Office at: -

    May, 2024

    Version 3.1


    This privacy notice provides a high-level overview of how we use and share personal data across TransUnion. You can find more detailed information at the TransUnion Privacy Center or in other privacy information you may have received.

    In Brief

    When you contact us with a request, complaint or enquiry, we will use your personal data in order to help us to respond to you.

    Sometimes this will mean sharing personal data with third parties. For example, if you dispute the accuracy of information on your credit report, we may need to contact the organisation who provided us with that information to check whether it is correct.

    This notice covers the following topics:

    1. Who we are and how to contact us
    2. How we use personal data
    3. Where we get personal data
    4. How long we keep personal data
    5. Our legal basis for handling personal data
    6. Who we share personal data with
    7. Where we store and send personal data
    8. Your rights concerning your personal data
    9. Where to lodge a complaint

    Information for Good®

    We're in an era of rapid digital transformation where consumers demand more access to seamless, personalised products and services online. But the currency of personal data that fuels this platform economic boom poses threats to individuals and endangers corporate security.

    Now more than ever — and likely more so in the future — consumers and corporates need new levels of trust and transparency.

    As a global information and insights company, TransUnion seeks to make trust possible. We do this by curating an accurate and comprehensive picture of each consumer so they're safely and reliably represented in the marketplace. This enables businesses and consumers to transact with confidence and achieve great things. We call this Information for Good.

    We're a group of companies with registered offices at TransUnion, Plot 6 Junction of KN 67 & KN 30 3rd Floor BPR House-PCD Tower.  Although we're part of a larger group, this notice covers only the activities of TransUnion companies within the Republic of Rwanda.


    Contact details


    Contact us about personal data issues, including the contents of this notice via:

    • Post: P.O Box 5733 Kigali
    • Telephone:   +250 7889 33094

    How we use personal data


    We use your personal data to deal with any issue or complaint you have raised (which we refer to as an “enquiry”). This might include contacting you for more information or tell you the outcome of your enquiry. Typical enquiries include:

    • Requests for access to personal data, to challenge the accuracy of personal data, or to request the erasure of personal data
    • Support requests for our consumer products
    • Complaints of any nature
    • General enquiries

    Identity verification

    When you contact us, we may need to verify your identity to ensure we don’t provide personal data to unauthorised parties.

    Example: identity verification

    If someone contacts us and asks us for a copy of your credit report, we’ll check that it’s you (or someone authorised by you) asking for it. We may ask for evidence of identity such as copies of your driving license or a bank statement.

    It’s important to do this because the information in your credit report is valuable and could be used to impersonate you if it were to fall into the wrong hands.


    We may ask you to provide us with feedback or to leave a review about the service you received. Your feedback helps us to improve our services.

    Products and services

    We use aggregated statistics about enquiries, requests and complaints to help manage our services and identify potential problems. Some enquiries lead to changes to the personal data we use in our products and services.

    Constant improvement

    We use information from complaints and requests to help understand what went wrong, fix any problems, and improve how we deal with similar issues.

    Legal and regulatory purposes

    We may use personal data for legal and regulatory purposes. This might include responding to complaints or enquiries from you or a regulator about how we have handled your enquiry or used your personal data.


    The kinds of personal information we use and where we get it

    We obtain and use information from various sources summarised in the following table:

    Type of Information



    Basic contact information.

    Name, email address and job title

    You provide this information when you make an enquiry or when we subsequently request it.

    Your enquiry.

    Any enquiry you make

    Proof of identity or authority and other supporting documentation.

    To prove your identity. If you enquire on someone else’s behalf, we may ask for proof of authority, such as a power of attorney. Sometimes we may require additional supporting documentation.

    Information gathered in dealing with your enquiry.

    Dealing with an enquiry involves investigating the circumstances. This type of information depends on the enquiry.

    Internal records and external organisations, such as clients and suppliers.

    Our response and other correspondence.

    Our response to and other correspondence relating to your enquiry.

    We produce this ourselves.

    Website usage.

    If you access or submit information through our website, we record information such as IP address, operating system and browser type.

    We gather this through the website.

    You are free to choose whether you give us your personal data. However, if you don’t provide the information we need, this may limit our ability to help.

    How long we keep personal data

    We keep your personal data during the enquiry and for an additional period after completion. That period depends on purposes, such as:

    • Showing we have processes to deal with enquiries and are doing so fairly under our regulatory requirements
    • Responding to you or a regulator to show we dealt with an enquiry properly
    • Defending legal claims or regulatory action that might arise because of the enquiry

    Our legal basis for handling personal data

    Legitimate interests
    The Law relating to the protection of personal data and privacy allows personal data usage where necessary for legitimate purposes without undue adverse impact. We base most of our processing activities on the 'legitimate interests' condition. For more details, refer to the relevant privacy notices in the links above.




    To keep your personal data secure

    Reputation and service improvement

    Manage enquiries quickly and efficiently to build our business reputation

    Who we share personal information with


    Our clients have privacy notices that provide more information about how they use the data we supply. These clients typically operate in the following sectors:

    • Banks, Microfinance institutions and SACCOs
    • Traders
    • Insurance
    • Retail
    • Telecommunications
    • Collections
    • Employment agencies
    • Financial services
    • Public sector
    • Startup

    If our clients appoint an intermediary to act on their behalf, they too will receive the data.

    Service providers

    We may provide information to third parties who help us use it for purposes described For example:

    • Cloud-based services, such as Salesforce, help host, manage and analyse our databases.
    • Cloud-based technologies, such as Microsoft Office 365, support our ordinary business operations.
    • Printing companies to produce and send direct mail or other correspondence.
    • Payment service providers to help with payments made by individuals.
    • Market research companies to help us better understand our customers.
    • A specialist sub-contractor operates our CCTV system.
    • Services Providers that assists us with providing our services to you.
    • Regulators like the National Cyber Security Authority or the National Bank of Rwanda.

    Data suppliers and other third parties

    If your enquiry is about data supplied to us by third parties, we might provide them with your personal data to help manage your enquiry. For example, if you dispute the accuracy of an entry on your credit file, we may contact the provider of that information to check whether its validity.

    These service providers can’t use your information for their purposes or on behalf of other organisations unless you agree otherwise.

    Where we store and send personal data

    We sometimes make use of Service Providers that are situated outside of Rwanda, e.g. Kenya, South Africa, UK and US.  We access and use your information from our base in Rwanda and will not transfer personal data to a country lacking laws that provide an adequate level of information protection, unless we have an agreement with the recipient requiring measures that offer a similar level of protection as The Law relating to the protection of personal data and privacy in Rwanda and with the required permission from the relevant supervisory authority.

    Your rights concerning personal data

    We outline your rights regarding the personal data we hold about you below.

    Access: You can access all information that we hold about you by contacting us through

    Correction/Destruction/Deletion: If the information we hold about you is inaccurate, irrelevant, excessive, out of date, incomplete, misleading or obtained lawfully, you have a right to ask us to correct it or delete it.

    Objection to processing: You may object (on reasonable grounds) to processing your personal data unless legislation provides for such processing.

    Objection to direct marketing: You may object to us using your personal data for direct marketing, and if you do, we will stop.

    Where to lodge a complaint

    We strive to deliver the highest levels of customer service. However, if you’re ever unhappy with us, please contact us so we can investigate.

    • Location: 3rd Floor of Alliance Tower, BPR Building, Plot No 6 Junction of KN 67 & KN  30,Nyarugenge District, Kigali – Rwanda
    • Postal Address: 5733 Kigali- Rwanda
    • Telephone: +250 7889 33094
    • Email:

    You may complain to the Data Protection and Privacy Office at: -

    May, 2024

    Version 2.1


    This privacy notice provides a high-level overview of how we use and share personal data across TransUnion. You can find more detailed information at the TransUnion Privacy Center or in other privacy information you may have received.

    In Brief

    We use personal information to:

    • Manage our relationship with our business contacts and keep in touch with them
    • Promote our products and services to our customers and potential customers

    This notice covers the following topics:

    1. Who we are and how to contact us
    2. How we use personal data
    3. Where we get personal data
    4. How long we keep personal data
    5. Our legal basis for handling personal data
    6. Who we share personal data with
    7. Where we store and send personal data
    8. Your rights concerning your personal data
    9. Where to lodge a complaint

    Information for Good®

    We're in an era of rapid digital transformation where consumers demand more access to seamless, personalised products and services online. But the currency of personal data that fuels this platform economic boom poses threats to individuals and endangers corporate security.

    Now more than ever — and likely more so in the future — consumers and corporates need new levels of trust and transparency.

    As a global information and insights company, TransUnion seeks to make trust possible. We do this by curating an accurate and comprehensive picture of each consumer so they're safely and reliably represented in the marketplace. This enables businesses and consumers to transact with confidence and achieve great things. We call this Information for Good.

    We're a group of companies with registered offices at TransUnion, Plot 6 Junction of KN 67 & KN 30 3rd Floor BPR House-PCD Tower.  Although we're part of a larger group, this notice covers only the activities of TransUnion companies within the Republic of Rwanda.


    Contact details

    Contact us about personal data issues, including the contents of this notice via:

    • Post: P.O Box 5733 Kigali
    • Telephone:   +250 7889 33094

    How we use personal data

    Relationship management

    We use personal information to maintain and develop our relationships with clients, suppliers and their representatives.

    Example: relationship management

    • Informing you about product changes or planned maintenance activity
    • Contacting you with billing enquiries
    • Inviting you to events and webinars
    • Corresponding with you about your enquiries
    • Conducting surveys to collect qualitative and quantitative feedback
    • Canvassing you about products or product features you want us to develop


    We use personal information to market our products and services to current and potential clients and their representatives. This includes providing industry insights, commentary and research on data and software, notification of events and webinars, and updates on products and services.

    Example: Marketing

    • Monitoring your interactions to understand the products and services that interest you so we can tailor our marketing
    • Contacting you by email, telephone, SMS or post to tell you about products and services we think will interest you

    Providing services

    Sometimes we use personal information to provide information, services, alerts and other facilities requested. For example, we might use your contact details to grant access to one of our webinars.

    As a registered user of one of our products, we may use your personal information within that product — please refer to the privacy notice available within the product for more details.

    Monitoring and improving our websites

    We use information such as how different people navigate our websites, how long they spend on particular pages and what content they download. This helps us improve the user experience by tailoring our website to match individual interests and preferences.

    Security and systems administration

    We also use this information for security and system administration to generate non-personalised data (such as statistics on the uptake of services and patterns of browsing). In addition, we may share this anonymous data with business contacts, selected third parties, sponsors and advertisers.

    Legal and regulatory purposes

    We may also need to use your personal information for legal and regulatory purposes.

    The kinds of personal information we use and where we get it

    We obtain and use information from various sources summarised in the following table:

    Type of information



    Name and contact details

    Basic personal information about you and your workplace

    Usually provided by the individual via telephone, email, our websites or in person at an event


    Organisation-related details

    Your organisation, department and role

    Login credentials

    Username and password recorded when you sign up to any of our web-based services

    Provided by the user or AI-generated or by us (if we reset a password)

    Contact history

    Our engagements, such as information exchanged, meetings, events or webinars attended, emails opened, links clicked and contacts within TransUnion

    We produce these records

    Device information

    The type of device used to access our websites, its operating system, cookies, browser and IP address

    We produce this information

    Website usage

    Use of our websites, such as pages visited and content downloaded

    We need your personal information to provide our products correctly. You don’t have to provide us with personal information for technical support requests, but this may impede the help we can provide.

    How long we keep personal data

    Simply put, we keep personal data for as long as necessary. More technically, we retain it to fulfil the purpose(s) of its provision, to comply with applicable laws, and for as long as your consent to such purpose(s) remains valid after termination of our relationship.

    The Law Governing Credit Reporting System require we use credit information only for the provided maximum periods prescribed for credit scoring or credit assessment.

    We keep specific data indefinitely to verify the integrity of the information we may need to process in the future. We store this information securely and don't use it for any other purpose.

    Our legal basis for handling personal data

    Legitimate interests
    The Law relating to the protection of personal data and privacy allows personal data usage where necessary for legitimate purposes without undue adverse impact. We base most of our processing activities on the 'legitimate interests' condition. For more details, refer to the relevant privacy notices in the links above.



    Strategic customer engagement




    Develop and leverage our understanding of customers and suppliers and how they use our products and services


    Strategically targeted marketing

    Promote new and existing products and services to suitable current and potential clients

    Develop new and improve existing products and services

    Help us remain competitive, differentiated and attractive to clients by providing world-class, future-fit solutions

    Monitor and secure our systems and data

    Fulfil our promise by keeping our systems and data secure


    Other legal bases

    Sometimes we process personal information on the following grounds:




    We’ll ask if you agree to us using your data in specified ways, such as when you tick a box showing you wish to receive marketing emails or telephone calls from us



    We may need to use your details to perform a contracted product or service


    Regulators, government bodies and courts can order us to provide information and we may have to comply


    Who we share personal information with


    Our clients have privacy notices that provide more information about how they use the data we supply. These clients typically operate in the following sectors:

    • Banks, Microfinance institutions and SACCOs
    •  TradersInsurance
    • Retail
    • Telecommunications
    • Collections
    • Employment agencies
    • Financial services
    • Public sector
    • Startup

    If our clients appoint an intermediary to act on their behalf, they too will receive the data.

    Service providers

    Our clients and we might provide information to third parties that help us achieve the purposes described in section 2. For example:

    • Cloud-based services, such as Salesforce, help host, manage and analyse our databases.
    • Cloud-based technologies, such as Microsoft Office 365, support our ordinary business operations.
    • Printing companies to produce and send direct mail or other correspondence.
    • Payment service providers to help with payments made by individuals.
    • Market research companies to help us better understand our customers.
    • Services Providers that assists us with providing our services to you.
    • A specialist sub-contractor operates our CCTV system.
    • Regulators like the National Cyber Security Authority or the National Bank of Rwanda.

    These service providers can't use your information for their purposes or on behalf of other organisations unless you agree otherwise.

    Where we store and send personal data

    We sometimes make use of Service Providers that are situated outside of Rwanda, e.g. Kenya, South Africa, UK and US.  We access and use your information from our base in Rwanda and will not transfer personal data to a country lacking laws that provide an adequate level of information protection, unless we have an agreement with the recipient requiring measures that offer a similar level of protection as The Law relating to the protection of personal data and privacy in Rwanda and with the required permission from the relevant supervisory authority.

    Your rights concerning personal data

    We outline your rights regarding the personal data we hold about you below.

    Access: You can access all information that we hold about you by contacting us through

    Correction/Destruction/Deletion: If the information we hold about you is inaccurate, irrelevant, excessive, out of date, incomplete, misleading or obtained lawfully, you have a right to ask us to correct it or delete it.

    Objection to processing: You may object (on reasonable grounds) to processing your personal data unless legislation provides for such processing.

    Objection to direct marketing: You may object to us using your personal data for direct marketing, and if you do, we will stop.


    Where to lodge a complaint

    We strive to deliver the highest levels of customer service. However, if you’re ever unhappy with us, please contact us so we can investigate.

    • Location: 3rd Floor of Alliance Tower, BPR Building, Plot No 6 Junction of KN 67 & KN  30,Nyarugenge District, Kigali – Rwanda
    • Postal Address: 5733 Kigali- Rwanda
    • Telephone: +250 7889 33094
    • Email:

    You may complain to the Data Protection and Privacy Office at: -

    Version: 2.0

    Internet Information

    When you visit and use any Products or functions in the TransUnion Site, we may collect behavioural data and general internet data, including your internet protocol ("IP") address, metadata, location data, date and time you visit. As part of this:

    • We set a "cookie" on your computer to recognise you when you visit, and collect information (like your page visits and preferences) for statistical purposes and to study how people use the site to improve the user experience. We may provide such data to outside vendors for the same reasons. We store no personal information in cookies. You can reject cookies by setting the preference in your web browser, but you might not be able to apply for credit reports online. For more information about cookies, visit:
    • TransUnion uses two different cookies. One type "recognises" you whenever you return using the same computer, so you don't have to re-enter personal information. If you set your web browser to not accept or delete this cookie, you can still access our products and services if you re-enter personal information each time you visit. The second type of cookie processes each step of your transactions with us. If you refuse to accept this type of cookie, you can’t access our products and services. Most web browsers auto-delete this type of cookie when you end your session.
    • We may use third-party advertising companies to serve ads on the TransUnion Site or on other sites we use for advertising. These companies may use cookies and action tags (also known as single-pixel gifs or web beacons) to measure advertising effectiveness. They may not use the information we share for any other purpose. Any information collected via cookies and action tags is anonymous.
    • We may use Google Analytics or similar analytical tools to optimise and personalise the advertisements and customer experiences we offer.
    • The data we collect to enhance your user experience includes the IP address of your computer and the pages you visit but excludes any personal information. We only link the IP address to your information to authenticate and protect your personal information. We receive anonymous data from other websites displaying our advertisements to help us understand how visitors to our site responded to those ads and enhance our campaigns. You can opt out of this data collection and sharing activity by following the procedures under the Browser Opt-Out and Privacy Center information sections on
    • Behavioural data is the information used to enhance the relevance of personalised offers from TransUnion and our trusted partners. This data includes your interaction with our products and services, such as searches, transactions and purchase history. We keep all such data in our secure server and do not share it with any third parties.


    Acceptance of the terms

    Please read the following information carefully before using this web site. By accessing or using the web site, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to the TransUnion General Terms of Use and where applicable the Product Terms of Use (collectively the “Terms of Use”). If you do not agree with the Terms of Use, do not use this web site. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to modify or update these Terms of Use at any time. Please check the Terms of Use each time you visit our web site for the most current information.

    These Terms of Use apply to the website  .If you decide to order any information, product or services (collectively “Services”) from TransUnion, such order or purchase will additionally be governed by the Product Terms of Use. If the Terms of Use is not consistent with the specific terms that apply to the TransUnion Services offered through this web site or any designated TransUnion sales- or service channel, then the specific Product Terms of Use that apply to these Services will apply.

    Use of the Website

    By accessing and or subscribing to any Services via the TransUnion Site, you warrant and represent that you are legally entitled to do so and that you have the requisite capacity to conclude a legally binding transaction with TransUnion. You further warrant that you will not use the TransUnion Site, Services, or any information made available to you by TransUnion pursuant to your use of the website for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited in the Rwanda or international law or in any way that is in contravention of these Terms of Use or the specific Product Terms of Use.

    While you are on the TransUnion Site or are using or accessing our product offerings, we may collect certain data about your use of the site and the products. By accessing or viewing any of our sites, you understand that we will be collecting this data. If you do not want us to collect data about you, then do not access any of our Sites and do not enroll in, purchase, or use any of our products or services.


    Please review the TransUnion Privacy Policy to understand our practices. By using the TransUnion Site or purchasing our Services, you agree that we may use and share your personal information in accordance with the terms of our Privacy Policy.

    Disclaimer of Warranties and Liability

    This TransUnion Site, including all content, information, products or services made available to you or, or accessed through the TransUnion Site, is provided to you “as is”. Use of the TransUnion Site, the content and the services are at your own risk.

    Neither TransUnion nor its suppliers make any warranties, representations, statements or guarantees (whether express, implied in law or residual) regarding the TransUnion Site and the Services or that the Services advertised on the website are appropriate for use in any jurisdiction.

    Neither TransUnion nor its suppliers make any representations, warranties or conditions about the quality, accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of the site, the content or the services. TransUnion and/or its suppliers do not assume any responsibility for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies in the site, the content or the services.

    Neither TransUnion nor its directors shall be responsible for and disclaims all liability for any loss, liability, damage (whether direct, indirect or consequential) and/or expense of any nature whatsoever which may be suffered by you or any third party, as a result of or which may be attributable, directly or indirectly, to your access and use of the TransUnion Site and/or any information contained on or received via the TransUnion Site, your use of the Services and/or your reliance on any information offered via the TransUnion Site or Services.

    Without limiting the generality of the aforegoing, neither TransUnion nor its directors shall be liable for any loss of business, loss of data and/or loss of profits, any failure and/or unavailability of the website for any reason whatever and/or the failure/delay by any third party service provider to render any service/s which are necessary to ensure the availability of the website. You hereby indemnify TransUnion and its directors against any loss, liability, damage (whether direct, indirect or consequential) or expense of any nature whatsoever which may be suffered by you or any third party as a result of or which may be attributable directly or indirectly to the aforesaid.

    TransUnion shall furthermore not be liable to you or any third party for any loss or damage of whatsoever nature in the event that you request that an order is stopped or cancelled

    The content is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide financial advice to you. You should seek the advice of professionals regarding the evaluation and verification of any content provided on the site and, in any event, prior to making any financial decisions based on such content.

    You are advised that TransUnion reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to withdraw or terminate any Services offered to you in terms of the subscription for any reason, at any time and without incurring loss or penalty.

    Policy on Links to the TransUnion Web Site

    You are given a limited, non-exclusive right to create a hypertext link to the TransUnion Site, you may not portray TransUnion or any of its Services in a false or offensive manner. Also, you may not misrepresent your relationship with TransUnion or imply that TransUnion sponsors, endorses, or is affiliated with your web site or products. You may not replicate, modify, or alter the appearance or content of this web site. You may not use, frame, or utilize framing techniques to enclose any TransUnion Trademarks or any of the content of this web site. Except as stated above, you are not given any other right or license to (i) the content of this web site or (ii) any intellectual property or proprietary rights of TransUnion. This limited linking right may be taken away from you at any time at our discretion.

    Policy on Links to Third Party Web Sites

    This web site may contain links to third party web sites. TransUnion does not represent, guarantee, or endorse any web site that you may access from this web site. In addition, if we provide a link to a web site, we do not represent, guarantee, or endorse the company or any of its offerings. Links contained on this web site are provided solely as a convenience to you. When you access a non-TransUnion web site, please understand that the linked site and its content are not under our control. TransUnion is not responsible for web casting or any other form of transmission received from any linked sites. You are responsible for protecting your system from viruses and other invasive items. When visiting external links you must refer to that external terms and conditions of use.

    Unsolicited Idea Submission Policy

    When you provide us with comments, suggestions, or ideas (collectively "Feedback"), such Feedback is not considered confidential and becomes the property of TransUnion. We are not obligated to you if you provide such Feedback. We are free to use, copy, or distribute the Feedback to others for any purpose.

    International Use

    Because you can access this web site internationally, you agree to follow all local rules regarding the internet, data, e-mail, and privacy. You specifically agree to follow all laws that apply to transmitting technical data exported from the Republic of Rwanda or the country of your residence.


    The address for service of any notices or communication relating to these Terms of Use including the giving of any notice, the payment of any sum, or the serving of any legal process, is:

    TransUnion, 3rd Floor of Alliance Tower, BPR Building, Plot No 6 Junction of KN 67 & KN 30,
    Nyarugenge District, Kigali – Rwanda Telephone number: +250 7889 33094

    No legal service shall be validly affected by email.

    TransUnion shall be entitled to vary its physical address for service to any other physical address within the Republic of Rwanda, by giving notice to you by way of updating these Terms of Use.


    You agree to reimburse TransUnion, its officers, employees, agents, and partners for all losses, damages, and costs, including reasonable attorney's fees, resulting from your violation of these Terms of Use.

    Contact Information

    For General Enquiries and other consumer related enquiries below is our information:

    • Full name and legal status: TransUnion Rwanda Limited, a private company incorporated in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Rwanda
    • Company Code: 102021389
    • Place of registration: Kigali, Rwanda
    • Registered physical address: 3rd Floor of Alliance Tower, BPR Building, Plot No 6 Junction of KN 67 & KN 30, Nyarugenge District, Kigali – Rwanda Telephone number: +250 7889 33094
    • Email address:
    • Physical address for receipt of legal service of documents: 3rd Floor of Alliance Tower, BPR Building, Plot No 6 Junction of KN 67 & KN 30, Nyarugenge District, Kigali – Rwanda Description of the main characteristics of the service/s offered by TransUnion: Credit information services
    • Terms of the agreement: The terms of the agreement between yourself and TransUnion is governed by these terms, the application form and TransUnion's Standard Subscriber Terms and Conditions. TransUnion makes no representations and gives no warranties and/or guarantees of whatever nature, whether express, implied in law, or residual, in respect of these terms, the service/s and/or the accuracy or correctness of the information delivered to you or any part thereof
    • Time within which the service/s will be delivered: As soon as is reasonably possible after TransUnion accepts to comply with your order
    • Return and refund policy: By nature of the service/s, no information provided to you by TransUnion may be returned, and no monies paid by you to TransUnion in respect of the service/s will be refunded to you, unless it is established to the satisfaction of TransUnion that the information provided to you was loaded incorrectly by TransUnion

    Use of Information, including in terms of the   Law Nº 058/2021 OF 13/10/2021 relating to the protection of personal data and privacy

    TransUnion conducts its business in accordance with the Law Nº 73/2018 of 31/08/2018 Governing Credit Reporting System and considers it imperative to protect the privacy interests of consumers. Please see our detailed Privacy Notices available on our website by clicking on this link.

    Copyright, Trademarks and intellectual Property Rights

    Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights in all materials, texts, drawings and data made available on the website (collectively "the Materials") are owned by TransUnion, alternatively TransUnion is the lawful user thereof, and are protected by both Rwandan and international intellectual property laws. Accordingly, any unauthorized copying, reproduction, retransmission, distribution, dissemination, sale, publication, broadcast or other circulation or exploitation of such Materials or any component thereof will constitute an infringement of such copyright and other intellectual property rights; save that you may use the Materials or any component thereof for your own internal purposes and for the purposes of ordering Services from TransUnion.

    The trademarks, names, logos and service marks (collectively "trademarks") displayed on this website are registered and unregistered trademarks of TransUnion. Nothing contained on this website should be construed as granting any license or right to use any trademark without the prior written permission of TransUnion.

    Online advertising

    TransUnion engages third parties that help it deliver its banner advertisements and other online communications. The third parties may collect and use information about TransUnion customers to help us understand the offers, promotions, and types of advertising that are most appealing to its customers. The personal information they collect is aggregated and cannot be linked to a person.


    No person, business or website may frame the site of TransUnion or any of the pages on this site in any way whatsoever.

    Crawlers and Spiders

    No person, business or website may use any technology to search and/or gain information from TransUnion's website without its prior written consent.


    These Terms of Use, and where applicable the Product Terms of Use and/or TransUnion's Standard Services (Subscriber) Terms and Conditions constitute the sole record of the agreement between you and TransUnion in relation to the subject matter hereof. Neither you nor TransUnion shall be bound by any express tacit nor implied representation, warranty, promise or the like not recorded herein. These terms and conditions supersede and replace all prior commitments, undertakings or representations, whether written or oral, between you and TransUnion in respect of the subject matter hereof. No indulgence or extension of time which either you or TransUnion may grant to the other will constitute a waiver of or, whether by estoppels or otherwise, limit any of the existing or future rights of the grantor in terms hereof, save in the event or to the extent that the grantor has signed a written document expressly waiving or limiting such rights.

    TransUnion shall be entitled to cede, assign and delegate all or any of its rights and obligations in terms of these terms.

    All provisions of these terms and conditions are, notwithstanding the manner in which they have been grouped together or linked grammatically, severable from each other. Any provision of these terms and conditions which is or becomes unenforceable in any jurisdiction, whether due to voidness, invalidity, illegality, unlawfulness or for any reason whatever, shall, in such jurisdiction only and only to the extent that it is so unenforceable, be treated as pro non scripto and the remaining provisions of these terms and conditions shall remain in full force and effect.

    Should TransUnion be prevented from fulfilling any of its obligations to you as a result of any event of force majeure, then those obligations shall be deemed to have been suspended to the extent that and for as long as TransUnion is so prevented from fulfilling them and your corresponding obligations shall be suspended to the corresponding extent. In the event that force majeure continues for more than fourteen days after it has fist occurred then TransUnion shall be entitled (but not obliged) to terminate all of its rights and obligations in terms of or arising out of these terms by giving notice to you. An "event of force majeure" shall mean any event or circumstance whatsoever which is not within the reasonable control of including, without limitation, vis major, casus fortuitus, any act of God, strike, theft, riots, explosion, insurrection or other similar disorder, war (whether declared or not) or military operations, the downtime of any external telecommunications line, power failure, international restrictions, any requirement of any international authority, any requirement of any government or other competent local authority, any court order, export control or shortage of transport facilities.

    These terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Rwanda without giving effect to any principles of conflict of law. You hereby consent to exclusive jurisdiction of High Court of Rwanda in respect of any disputes arising in connection with the Services referred to herein, or the terms or any matter related to or in connection therewith.

    Last revised - August 2023

    If you’re a consumer with questions or issues related to your personal credit report, drivers history report, disputes, fraud, identity theft, credit report freeze or credit monitoring services, please visit our Customer Support Center for assistance.

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